import atexit import contextlib import fnmatch import importlib.util import itertools import os import shutil import sys import types import uuid import warnings from enum import Enum from errno import EBADF from errno import ELOOP from errno import ENOENT from errno import ENOTDIR from functools import partial from os.path import expanduser from os.path import expandvars from os.path import isabs from os.path import sep from pathlib import Path from pathlib import PurePath from posixpath import sep as posix_sep from types import ModuleType from typing import Callable from typing import Dict from typing import Iterable from typing import Iterator from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from _pytest.compat import assert_never from _pytest.outcomes import skip from _pytest.warning_types import PytestWarning LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 _AnyPurePath = TypeVar("_AnyPurePath", bound=PurePath) # The following function, variables and comments were # copied from cpython 3.9 Lib/ file. # EBADF - guard against macOS `stat` throwing EBADF _IGNORED_ERRORS = (ENOENT, ENOTDIR, EBADF, ELOOP) _IGNORED_WINERRORS = ( 21, # ERROR_NOT_READY - drive exists but is not accessible 1921, # ERROR_CANT_RESOLVE_FILENAME - fix for broken symlink pointing to itself ) def _ignore_error(exception): return ( getattr(exception, "errno", None) in _IGNORED_ERRORS or getattr(exception, "winerror", None) in _IGNORED_WINERRORS ) def get_lock_path(path: _AnyPurePath) -> _AnyPurePath: return path.joinpath(".lock") def on_rm_rf_error( func, path: str, excinfo: Union[ BaseException, Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, Optional[types.TracebackType]], ], *, start_path: Path, ) -> bool: """Handle known read-only errors during rmtree. The returned value is used only by our own tests. """ if isinstance(excinfo, BaseException): exc = excinfo else: exc = excinfo[1] # Another process removed the file in the middle of the "rm_rf" (xdist for example). # More context: if isinstance(exc, FileNotFoundError): return False if not isinstance(exc, PermissionError): warnings.warn( PytestWarning(f"(rm_rf) error removing {path}\n{type(exc)}: {exc}") ) return False if func not in (os.rmdir, os.remove, os.unlink): if func not in (,): warnings.warn( PytestWarning( "(rm_rf) unknown function {} when removing {}:\n{}: {}".format( func, path, type(exc), exc ) ) ) return False # Chmod + retry. import stat def chmod_rw(p: str) -> None: mode = os.stat(p).st_mode os.chmod(p, mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) # For files, we need to recursively go upwards in the directories to # ensure they all are also writable. p = Path(path) if p.is_file(): for parent in p.parents: chmod_rw(str(parent)) # Stop when we reach the original path passed to rm_rf. if parent == start_path: break chmod_rw(str(path)) func(path) return True def ensure_extended_length_path(path: Path) -> Path: """Get the extended-length version of a path (Windows). On Windows, by default, the maximum length of a path (MAX_PATH) is 260 characters, and operations on paths longer than that fail. But it is possible to overcome this by converting the path to "extended-length" form before performing the operation: On Windows, this function returns the extended-length absolute version of path. On other platforms it returns path unchanged. """ if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): path = path.resolve() path = Path(get_extended_length_path_str(str(path))) return path def get_extended_length_path_str(path: str) -> str: """Convert a path to a Windows extended length path.""" long_path_prefix = "\\\\?\\" unc_long_path_prefix = "\\\\?\\UNC\\" if path.startswith((long_path_prefix, unc_long_path_prefix)): return path # UNC if path.startswith("\\\\"): return unc_long_path_prefix + path[2:] return long_path_prefix + path def rm_rf(path: Path) -> None: """Remove the path contents recursively, even if some elements are read-only.""" path = ensure_extended_length_path(path) onerror = partial(on_rm_rf_error, start_path=path) if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): shutil.rmtree(str(path), onexc=onerror) else: shutil.rmtree(str(path), onerror=onerror) def find_prefixed(root: Path, prefix: str) -> Iterator[Path]: """Find all elements in root that begin with the prefix, case insensitive.""" l_prefix = prefix.lower() for x in root.iterdir(): if yield x def extract_suffixes(iter: Iterable[PurePath], prefix: str) -> Iterator[str]: """Return the parts of the paths following the prefix. :param iter: Iterator over path names. :param prefix: Expected prefix of the path names. """ p_len = len(prefix) for p in iter: yield[p_len:] def find_suffixes(root: Path, prefix: str) -> Iterator[str]: """Combine find_prefixes and extract_suffixes.""" return extract_suffixes(find_prefixed(root, prefix), prefix) def parse_num(maybe_num) -> int: """Parse number path suffixes, returns -1 on error.""" try: return int(maybe_num) except ValueError: return -1 def _force_symlink( root: Path, target: Union[str, PurePath], link_to: Union[str, Path] ) -> None: """Helper to create the current symlink. It's full of race conditions that are reasonably OK to ignore for the context of best effort linking to the latest test run. The presumption being that in case of much parallelism the inaccuracy is going to be acceptable. """ current_symlink = root.joinpath(target) try: current_symlink.unlink() except OSError: pass try: current_symlink.symlink_to(link_to) except Exception: pass def make_numbered_dir(root: Path, prefix: str, mode: int = 0o700) -> Path: """Create a directory with an increased number as suffix for the given prefix.""" for i in range(10): # try up to 10 times to create the folder max_existing = max(map(parse_num, find_suffixes(root, prefix)), default=-1) new_number = max_existing + 1 new_path = root.joinpath(f"{prefix}{new_number}") try: new_path.mkdir(mode=mode) except Exception: pass else: _force_symlink(root, prefix + "current", new_path) return new_path else: raise OSError( "could not create numbered dir with prefix " "{prefix} in {root} after 10 tries".format(prefix=prefix, root=root) ) def create_cleanup_lock(p: Path) -> Path: """Create a lock to prevent premature folder cleanup.""" lock_path = get_lock_path(p) try: fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644) except FileExistsError as e: raise OSError(f"cannot create lockfile in {p}") from e else: pid = os.getpid() spid = str(pid).encode() os.write(fd, spid) os.close(fd) if not lock_path.is_file(): raise OSError("lock path got renamed after successful creation") return lock_path def register_cleanup_lock_removal(lock_path: Path, register=atexit.register): """Register a cleanup function for removing a lock, by default on atexit.""" pid = os.getpid() def cleanup_on_exit(lock_path: Path = lock_path, original_pid: int = pid) -> None: current_pid = os.getpid() if current_pid != original_pid: # fork return try: lock_path.unlink() except OSError: pass return register(cleanup_on_exit) def maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir(path: Path) -> None: """Remove a numbered directory if its lock can be obtained and it does not seem to be in use.""" path = ensure_extended_length_path(path) lock_path = None try: lock_path = create_cleanup_lock(path) parent = path.parent garbage = parent.joinpath(f"garbage-{uuid.uuid4()}") path.rename(garbage) rm_rf(garbage) except OSError: # known races: # * other process did a cleanup at the same time # * deletable folder was found # * process cwd (Windows) return finally: # If we created the lock, ensure we remove it even if we failed # to properly remove the numbered dir. if lock_path is not None: try: lock_path.unlink() except OSError: pass def ensure_deletable(path: Path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before: float) -> bool: """Check if `path` is deletable based on whether the lock file is expired.""" if path.is_symlink(): return False lock = get_lock_path(path) try: if not lock.is_file(): return True except OSError: # we might not have access to the lock file at all, in this case assume # we don't have access to the entire directory (#7491). return False try: lock_time = lock.stat().st_mtime except Exception: return False else: if lock_time < consider_lock_dead_if_created_before: # We want to ignore any errors while trying to remove the lock such as: # - PermissionDenied, like the file permissions have changed since the lock creation; # - FileNotFoundError, in case another pytest process got here first; # and any other cause of failure. with contextlib.suppress(OSError): lock.unlink() return True return False def try_cleanup(path: Path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before: float) -> None: """Try to cleanup a folder if we can ensure it's deletable.""" if ensure_deletable(path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before): maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir(path) def cleanup_candidates(root: Path, prefix: str, keep: int) -> Iterator[Path]: """List candidates for numbered directories to be removed - follows py.path.""" max_existing = max(map(parse_num, find_suffixes(root, prefix)), default=-1) max_delete = max_existing - keep paths = find_prefixed(root, prefix) paths, paths2 = itertools.tee(paths) numbers = map(parse_num, extract_suffixes(paths2, prefix)) for path, number in zip(paths, numbers): if number <= max_delete: yield path def cleanup_dead_symlinks(root: Path): for left_dir in root.iterdir(): if left_dir.is_symlink(): if not left_dir.resolve().exists(): left_dir.unlink() def cleanup_numbered_dir( root: Path, prefix: str, keep: int, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before: float ) -> None: """Cleanup for lock driven numbered directories.""" if not root.exists(): return for path in cleanup_candidates(root, prefix, keep): try_cleanup(path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before) for path in root.glob("garbage-*"): try_cleanup(path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before) cleanup_dead_symlinks(root) def make_numbered_dir_with_cleanup( root: Path, prefix: str, keep: int, lock_timeout: float, mode: int, ) -> Path: """Create a numbered dir with a cleanup lock and remove old ones.""" e = None for i in range(10): try: p = make_numbered_dir(root, prefix, mode) # Only lock the current dir when keep is not 0 if keep != 0: lock_path = create_cleanup_lock(p) register_cleanup_lock_removal(lock_path) except Exception as exc: e = exc else: consider_lock_dead_if_created_before = p.stat().st_mtime - lock_timeout # Register a cleanup for program exit atexit.register( cleanup_numbered_dir, root, prefix, keep, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before, ) return p assert e is not None raise e def resolve_from_str(input: str, rootpath: Path) -> Path: input = expanduser(input) input = expandvars(input) if isabs(input): return Path(input) else: return rootpath.joinpath(input) def fnmatch_ex(pattern: str, path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]) -> bool: """A port of FNMatcher from py.path.common which works with PurePath() instances. The difference between this algorithm and PurePath.match() is that the latter matches "**" glob expressions for each part of the path, while this algorithm uses the whole path instead. For example: "tests/foo/bar/doc/" matches pattern "tests/**/doc/test*.py" with this algorithm, but not with PurePath.match(). This algorithm was ported to keep backward-compatibility with existing settings which assume paths match according this logic. References: * * """ path = PurePath(path) iswin32 = sys.platform.startswith("win") if iswin32 and sep not in pattern and posix_sep in pattern: # Running on Windows, the pattern has no Windows path separators, # and the pattern has one or more Posix path separators. Replace # the Posix path separators with the Windows path separator. pattern = pattern.replace(posix_sep, sep) if sep not in pattern: name = else: name = str(path) if path.is_absolute() and not os.path.isabs(pattern): pattern = f"*{os.sep}{pattern}" return fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern) def parts(s: str) -> Set[str]: parts = s.split(sep) return {sep.join(parts[: i + 1]) or sep for i in range(len(parts))} def symlink_or_skip(src, dst, **kwargs): """Make a symlink, or skip the test in case symlinks are not supported.""" try: os.symlink(str(src), str(dst), **kwargs) except OSError as e: skip(f"symlinks not supported: {e}") class ImportMode(Enum): """Possible values for `mode` parameter of `import_path`.""" prepend = "prepend" append = "append" importlib = "importlib" class ImportPathMismatchError(ImportError): """Raised on import_path() if there is a mismatch of __file__'s. This can happen when `import_path` is called multiple times with different filenames that has the same basename but reside in packages (for example "/tests1/" and "/tests2/"). """ def import_path( p: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], *, mode: Union[str, ImportMode] = ImportMode.prepend, root: Path, ) -> ModuleType: """Import and return a module from the given path, which can be a file (a module) or a directory (a package). The import mechanism used is controlled by the `mode` parameter: * `mode == ImportMode.prepend`: the directory containing the module (or package, taking `` files into account) will be put at the *start* of `sys.path` before being imported with `importlib.import_module`. * `mode == ImportMode.append`: same as `prepend`, but the directory will be appended to the end of `sys.path`, if not already in `sys.path`. * `mode == ImportMode.importlib`: uses more fine control mechanisms provided by `importlib` to import the module, which avoids having to muck with `sys.path` at all. It effectively allows having same-named test modules in different places. :param root: Used as an anchor when mode == ImportMode.importlib to obtain a unique name for the module being imported so it can safely be stored into ``sys.modules``. :raises ImportPathMismatchError: If after importing the given `path` and the module `__file__` are different. Only raised in `prepend` and `append` modes. """ mode = ImportMode(mode) path = Path(p) if not path.exists(): raise ImportError(path) if mode is ImportMode.importlib: module_name = module_name_from_path(path, root) for meta_importer in sys.meta_path: spec = meta_importer.find_spec(module_name, [str(path.parent)]) if spec is not None: break else: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, str(path)) if spec is None: raise ImportError(f"Can't find module {module_name} at location {path}") mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[module_name] = mod spec.loader.exec_module(mod) # type: ignore[union-attr] insert_missing_modules(sys.modules, module_name) return mod pkg_path = resolve_package_path(path) if pkg_path is not None: pkg_root = pkg_path.parent names = list(path.with_suffix("").relative_to(pkg_root).parts) if names[-1] == "__init__": names.pop() module_name = ".".join(names) else: pkg_root = path.parent module_name = path.stem # Change sys.path permanently: restoring it at the end of this function would cause surprising # problems because of delayed imports: for example, a file imported by this function # might have local imports, which would fail at runtime if we restored sys.path. if mode is ImportMode.append: if str(pkg_root) not in sys.path: sys.path.append(str(pkg_root)) elif mode is ImportMode.prepend: if str(pkg_root) != sys.path[0]: sys.path.insert(0, str(pkg_root)) else: assert_never(mode) importlib.import_module(module_name) mod = sys.modules[module_name] if == "": return mod ignore = os.environ.get("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "") if ignore != "1": module_file = mod.__file__ if module_file is None: raise ImportPathMismatchError(module_name, module_file, path) if module_file.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")): module_file = module_file[:-1] if module_file.endswith(os.sep + ""): module_file = module_file[: -(len(os.sep + ""))] try: is_same = _is_same(str(path), module_file) except FileNotFoundError: is_same = False if not is_same: raise ImportPathMismatchError(module_name, module_file, path) return mod # Implement a special _is_same function on Windows which returns True if the two filenames # compare equal, to circumvent os.path.samefile returning False for mounts in UNC (#7678). if sys.platform.startswith("win"): def _is_same(f1: str, f2: str) -> bool: return Path(f1) == Path(f2) or os.path.samefile(f1, f2) else: def _is_same(f1: str, f2: str) -> bool: return os.path.samefile(f1, f2) def module_name_from_path(path: Path, root: Path) -> str: """ Return a dotted module name based on the given path, anchored on root. For example: path="projects/src/tests/" and root="/projects", the resulting module name will be "src.tests.test_foo". """ path = path.with_suffix("") try: relative_path = path.relative_to(root) except ValueError: # If we can't get a relative path to root, use the full path, except # for the first part ("d:\\" or "/" depending on the platform, for example). path_parts =[1:] else: # Use the parts for the relative path to the root path. path_parts = return ".".join(path_parts) def insert_missing_modules(modules: Dict[str, ModuleType], module_name: str) -> None: """ Used by ``import_path`` to create intermediate modules when using mode=importlib. When we want to import a module as "src.tests.test_foo" for example, we need to create empty modules "src" and "src.tests" after inserting "src.tests.test_foo", otherwise "src.tests.test_foo" is not importable by ``__import__``. """ module_parts = module_name.split(".") while module_name: if module_name not in modules: try: # If sys.meta_path is empty, calling import_module will issue # a warning and raise ModuleNotFoundError. To avoid the # warning, we check sys.meta_path explicitly and raise the error # ourselves to fall back to creating a dummy module. if not sys.meta_path: raise ModuleNotFoundError importlib.import_module(module_name) except ModuleNotFoundError: module = ModuleType( module_name, doc="Empty module created by pytest's importmode=importlib.", ) modules[module_name] = module module_parts.pop(-1) module_name = ".".join(module_parts) def resolve_package_path(path: Path) -> Optional[Path]: """Return the Python package path by looking for the last directory upwards which still contains an Returns None if it can not be determined. """ result = None for parent in itertools.chain((path,), path.parents): if parent.is_dir(): if not parent.joinpath("").is_file(): break if not break result = parent return result def scandir(path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]) -> List["os.DirEntry[str]"]: """Scan a directory recursively, in breadth-first order. The returned entries are sorted. """ entries = [] with os.scandir(path) as s: # Skip entries with symlink loops and other brokenness, so the caller # doesn't have to deal with it. for entry in s: try: entry.is_file() except OSError as err: if _ignore_error(err): continue raise entries.append(entry) entries.sort(key=lambda entry: return entries def visit( path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], recurse: Callable[["os.DirEntry[str]"], bool] ) -> Iterator["os.DirEntry[str]"]: """Walk a directory recursively, in breadth-first order. The `recurse` predicate determines whether a directory is recursed. Entries at each directory level are sorted. """ entries = scandir(path) yield from entries for entry in entries: if entry.is_dir() and recurse(entry): yield from visit(entry.path, recurse) def absolutepath(path: Union[Path, str]) -> Path: """Convert a path to an absolute path using os.path.abspath. Prefer this over Path.resolve() (see #6523). Prefer this over Path.absolute() (not public, doesn't normalize). """ return Path(os.path.abspath(str(path))) def commonpath(path1: Path, path2: Path) -> Optional[Path]: """Return the common part shared with the other path, or None if there is no common part. If one path is relative and one is absolute, returns None. """ try: return Path(os.path.commonpath((str(path1), str(path2)))) except ValueError: return None def bestrelpath(directory: Path, dest: Path) -> str: """Return a string which is a relative path from directory to dest such that directory/bestrelpath == dest. The paths must be either both absolute or both relative. If no such path can be determined, returns dest. """ assert isinstance(directory, Path) assert isinstance(dest, Path) if dest == directory: return os.curdir # Find the longest common directory. base = commonpath(directory, dest) # Can be the case on Windows for two absolute paths on different drives. # Can be the case for two relative paths without common prefix. # Can be the case for a relative path and an absolute path. if not base: return str(dest) reldirectory = directory.relative_to(base) reldest = dest.relative_to(base) return os.path.join( # Back from directory to base. *([os.pardir] * len(, # Forward from base to dest. *, ) # Originates from py. path.local.copy(), with siginficant trims and adjustments. # TODO(py38): Replace with shutil.copytree(..., symlinks=True, dirs_exist_ok=True) def copytree(source: Path, target: Path) -> None: """Recursively copy a source directory to target.""" assert source.is_dir() for entry in visit(source, recurse=lambda entry: not entry.is_symlink()): x = Path(entry) relpath = x.relative_to(source) newx = target / relpath newx.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if x.is_symlink(): newx.symlink_to(os.readlink(x)) elif x.is_file(): shutil.copyfile(x, newx) elif x.is_dir(): newx.mkdir(exist_ok=True)