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2023-07-28 21:30:45 +00:00
# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
"""Python source expertise for coverage.py"""
from __future__ import annotations
import os.path
import types
import zipimport
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from coverage import env
from coverage.exceptions import CoverageException, NoSource
from coverage.files import canonical_filename, relative_filename, zip_location
from coverage.misc import expensive, isolate_module, join_regex
from coverage.parser import PythonParser
from coverage.phystokens import source_token_lines, source_encoding
from coverage.plugin import FileReporter
from coverage.types import TArc, TLineNo, TMorf, TSourceTokenLines
from coverage import Coverage
os = isolate_module(os)
def read_python_source(filename: str) -> bytes:
"""Read the Python source text from `filename`.
Returns bytes.
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
source = f.read()
return source.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n").replace(b"\r", b"\n")
def get_python_source(filename: str) -> str:
"""Return the source code, as unicode."""
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == ".py" and env.WINDOWS:
exts = [".py", ".pyw"]
exts = [ext]
source_bytes: Optional[bytes]
for ext in exts:
try_filename = base + ext
if os.path.exists(try_filename):
# A regular text file: open it.
source_bytes = read_python_source(try_filename)
# Maybe it's in a zip file?
source_bytes = get_zip_bytes(try_filename)
if source_bytes is not None:
# Couldn't find source.
raise NoSource(f"No source for code: '{filename}'.")
# Replace \f because of http://bugs.python.org/issue19035
source_bytes = source_bytes.replace(b"\f", b" ")
source = source_bytes.decode(source_encoding(source_bytes), "replace")
# Python code should always end with a line with a newline.
if source and source[-1] != "\n":
source += "\n"
return source
def get_zip_bytes(filename: str) -> Optional[bytes]:
"""Get data from `filename` if it is a zip file path.
Returns the bytestring data read from the zip file, or None if no zip file
could be found or `filename` isn't in it. The data returned will be
an empty string if the file is empty.
zipfile_inner = zip_location(filename)
if zipfile_inner is not None:
zipfile, inner = zipfile_inner
zi = zipimport.zipimporter(zipfile)
except zipimport.ZipImportError:
return None
data = zi.get_data(inner)
except OSError:
return None
return data
return None
def source_for_file(filename: str) -> str:
"""Return the source filename for `filename`.
Given a file name being traced, return the best guess as to the source
file to attribute it to.
if filename.endswith(".py"):
# .py files are themselves source files.
return filename
elif filename.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
# Bytecode files probably have source files near them.
py_filename = filename[:-1]
if os.path.exists(py_filename):
# Found a .py file, use that.
return py_filename
if env.WINDOWS:
# On Windows, it could be a .pyw file.
pyw_filename = py_filename + "w"
if os.path.exists(pyw_filename):
return pyw_filename
# Didn't find source, but it's probably the .py file we want.
return py_filename
# No idea, just use the file name as-is.
return filename
def source_for_morf(morf: TMorf) -> str:
"""Get the source filename for the module-or-file `morf`."""
if hasattr(morf, "__file__") and morf.__file__:
filename = morf.__file__
elif isinstance(morf, types.ModuleType):
# A module should have had .__file__, otherwise we can't use it.
# This could be a PEP-420 namespace package.
raise CoverageException(f"Module {morf} has no file")
filename = morf
filename = source_for_file(filename)
return filename
class PythonFileReporter(FileReporter):
"""Report support for a Python file."""
def __init__(self, morf: TMorf, coverage: Optional[Coverage] = None) -> None:
self.coverage = coverage
filename = source_for_morf(morf)
fname = filename
canonicalize = True
if self.coverage is not None:
if self.coverage.config.relative_files:
canonicalize = False
if canonicalize:
fname = canonical_filename(filename)
if hasattr(morf, "__name__"):
name = morf.__name__.replace(".", os.sep)
if os.path.basename(filename).startswith("__init__."):
name += os.sep + "__init__"
name += ".py"
name = relative_filename(filename)
self.relname = name
self._source: Optional[str] = None
self._parser: Optional[PythonParser] = None
self._excluded = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<PythonFileReporter {self.filename!r}>"
def relative_filename(self) -> str:
return self.relname
def parser(self) -> PythonParser:
"""Lazily create a :class:`PythonParser`."""
assert self.coverage is not None
if self._parser is None:
self._parser = PythonParser(
return self._parser
def lines(self) -> Set[TLineNo]:
"""Return the line numbers of statements in the file."""
return self.parser.statements
def excluded_lines(self) -> Set[TLineNo]:
"""Return the line numbers of statements in the file."""
return self.parser.excluded
def translate_lines(self, lines: Iterable[TLineNo]) -> Set[TLineNo]:
return self.parser.translate_lines(lines)
def translate_arcs(self, arcs: Iterable[TArc]) -> Set[TArc]:
return self.parser.translate_arcs(arcs)
def no_branch_lines(self) -> Set[TLineNo]:
assert self.coverage is not None
no_branch = self.parser.lines_matching(
return no_branch
def arcs(self) -> Set[TArc]:
return self.parser.arcs()
def exit_counts(self) -> Dict[TLineNo, int]:
return self.parser.exit_counts()
def missing_arc_description(
start: TLineNo,
end: TLineNo,
executed_arcs: Optional[Iterable[TArc]] = None,
) -> str:
return self.parser.missing_arc_description(start, end, executed_arcs)
def source(self) -> str:
if self._source is None:
self._source = get_python_source(self.filename)
return self._source
def should_be_python(self) -> bool:
"""Does it seem like this file should contain Python?
This is used to decide if a file reported as part of the execution of
a program was really likely to have contained Python in the first
# Get the file extension.
_, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
# Anything named *.py* should be Python.
if ext.startswith(".py"):
return True
# A file with no extension should be Python.
if not ext:
return True
# Everything else is probably not Python.
return False
def source_token_lines(self) -> TSourceTokenLines:
return source_token_lines(self.source())