from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import urlencode import libsonic import logging import itertools from mopidy.models import Track, Album, Artist, Playlist, Ref, SearchResult import re from mopidy_subidy import uri logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RESPONSE_OK = u'ok' UNKNOWN_SONG = u'Unknown Song' UNKNOWN_ALBUM = u'Unknown Album' UNKNOWN_ARTIST = u'Unknown Artist' MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS = 100 MAX_LIST_RESULTS = 500 ref_sort_key = lambda ref: def string_nums_nocase_sort_key(s): segments = [] for substr in re.split(r'(\d+)', s): if substr.isdigit(): seg = int(substr) else: seg = substr.lower() segments.append(seg) return segments def diritem_sort_key(item): isdir = item['isDir'] if isdir: key = string_nums_nocase_sort_key(item['title']) else: key = int(item.get('track', 1)) return (isdir, key) class SubsonicApi(): def __init__(self, url, username, password, legacy_auth): parsed = urlparse(url) self.port = parsed.port if parsed.port else \ 443 if parsed.scheme == 'https' else 80 base_url = parsed.scheme + '://' + parsed.hostname self.connection = libsonic.Connection( base_url, username, password, self.port, parsed.path + '/rest', legacyAuth=legacy_auth) self.url = url + '/rest' self.username = username self.password = password'Connecting to subsonic server on url %s as user %s' % (url, username)) try: except Exception as e: logger.error('Unabled to reach subsonic server: %s' % e) exit() def get_subsonic_uri(self, view_name, params, censor=False): di_params = {} di_params.update(params) di_params.update(c='mopidy') di_params.update(v=self.connection.apiVersion) if censor: di_params.update(u='*****', p='*****') else: di_params.update(u=self.username, p=self.password) return '{}/{}.view?{}'.format(self.url, view_name, urlencode(di_params)) def get_song_stream_uri(self, song_id): return self.get_subsonic_uri('stream', dict(id=song_id)) def get_censored_song_stream_uri(self, song_id): return self.get_subsonic_uri('stream', dict(id=song_id), True) def find_raw(self, query, exclude_artists=False, exclude_albums=False, exclude_songs=False): try: response = self.connection.search2( query.encode('utf-8'), MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS if not exclude_artists else 0, 0, MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS if not exclude_albums else 0, 0, MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS if not exclude_songs else 0, 0) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when searching.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None return response.get('searchResult2') def find_as_search_result(self, query, exclude_artists=False, exclude_albums=False, exclude_songs=False): result = self.find_raw(query) if result is None: return None return SearchResult( uri=uri.get_search_uri(query), artists=[self.raw_artist_to_artist(artist) for artist in result.get('artist') or []], albums=[self.raw_album_to_album(album) for album in result.get('album') or []], tracks=[self.raw_song_to_track(song) for song in result.get('song') or []]) def get_raw_artists(self): try: response = self.connection.getArtists() except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading list of artists.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] letters = response.get('artists').get('index') if letters is not None: artists = [artist for letter in letters for artist in letter.get('artist') or []] return artists logger.warning('Subsonic does not seem to have any artists in it\'s library.') return [] def get_raw_rootdirs(self): try: response = self.connection.getIndexes() except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading list of rootdirs.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] letters = response.get('indexes').get('index') if letters is not None: artists = [artist for letter in letters for artist in letter.get('artist') or []] return artists logger.warning('Subsonic does not seem to have any rootdirs in its library.') return [] def get_song_by_id(self, song_id): try: response = self.connection.getSong(song_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading song by id.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None return self.raw_song_to_track(response.get('song')) if response.get('song') is not None else None def get_album_by_id(self, album_id): try: response = self.connection.getAlbum(album_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading album by id.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None return self.raw_album_to_album(response.get('album')) if response.get('album') is not None else None def get_artist_by_id(self, artist_id): try: response = self.connection.getArtist(artist_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading artist by id.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None return self.raw_artist_to_artist(response.get('artist')) if response.get('artist') is not None else None def get_raw_playlists(self): try: response = self.connection.getPlaylists() except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading list of playlists.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] playlists = response.get('playlists').get('playlist') if playlists is None: logger.warning('Subsonic does not seem to have any playlists in it\'s library.') return [] return playlists def get_raw_playlist(self, playlist_id): try: response = self.connection.getPlaylist(playlist_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading playlist.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None return response.get('playlist') def get_raw_dir(self, parent_id): try: response = self.connection.getMusicDirectory(parent_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when listing content of music directory.') return None if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return None directory = response.get('directory') if directory is not None: diritems = directory.get('child') return sorted(diritems, key=diritem_sort_key) return None def get_raw_albums(self, artist_id): try: response = self.connection.getArtist(artist_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading list of albums.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] albums = response.get('artist').get('album') if albums is not None: return sorted(albums, key=lambda album: string_nums_nocase_sort_key(album['name'])) return [] def get_raw_songs(self, album_id): try: response = self.connection.getAlbum(album_id) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading list of songs in album.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] songs = response.get('album').get('song') if songs is not None: return songs return [] def get_raw_album_list(self, ltype, size=MAX_LIST_RESULTS): try: response = self.connection.getAlbumList2(ltype=ltype, size=size) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Connecting to subsonic failed when loading album list.') return [] if response.get('status') != RESPONSE_OK: logger.warning('Got non-okay status code from subsonic: %s' % response.get('status')) return [] albums = response.get('albumList2').get('album') if albums is not None: return albums return [] def get_albums_as_refs(self, artist_id=None): albums = (self.get_raw_album_list('alphabeticalByName') if artist_id is None else self.get_raw_albums(artist_id)) return [self.raw_album_to_ref(album) for album in albums] def get_albums_as_albums(self, artist_id): return [self.raw_album_to_album(album) for album in self.get_raw_albums(artist_id)] def get_songs_as_refs(self, album_id): return [self.raw_song_to_ref(song) for song in self.get_raw_songs(album_id)] def get_songs_as_tracks(self, album_id): return [self.raw_song_to_track(song) for song in self.get_raw_songs(album_id)] def get_artists_as_refs(self): return [self.raw_artist_to_ref(artist) for artist in self.get_raw_artists()] def get_rootdirs_as_refs(self): return [self.raw_directory_to_ref(rootdir) for rootdir in self.get_raw_rootdirs()] def get_diritems_as_refs(self, directory_id): return [(self.raw_directory_to_ref(diritem) if diritem.get('isDir') else self.raw_song_to_ref(diritem)) for diritem in self.get_raw_dir(directory_id)] def get_artists_as_artists(self): return [self.raw_artist_to_artist(artist) for artist in self.get_raw_artists()] def get_playlists_as_refs(self): return [self.raw_playlist_to_ref(playlist) for playlist in self.get_raw_playlists()] def get_playlists_as_playlists(self): return [self.raw_playlist_to_playlist(playlist) for playlist in self.get_raw_playlists()] def get_playlist_as_playlist(self, playlist_id): return self.raw_playlist_to_playlist(self.get_raw_playlist(playlist_id)) def get_playlist_as_songs_as_refs(self, playlist_id): playlist = self.get_raw_playlist(playlist_id) if playlist is None: return None return [self.raw_song_to_ref(song) for song in playlist.get('entry')] def get_artist_as_songs_as_tracks_iter(self, artist_id): albums = self.get_raw_albums(artist_id) if albums is None: return for album in albums: for song in self.get_raw_songs(album.get('id')): yield self.raw_song_to_track(song) def get_recursive_dir_as_songs_as_tracks_iter(self, directory_id): diritems = self.get_raw_dir(directory_id) if diritems is None: return for item in diritems: if item.get('isDir'): for song in self.get_recursive_dir_as_songs_as_tracks_iter(item.get('id')): yield song else: yield self.raw_song_to_track(item) def raw_song_to_ref(self, song): if song is None: return None return Ref.track( name=song.get('title') or UNKNOWN_SONG, uri=uri.get_song_uri(song.get('id'))) def raw_song_to_track(self, song): if song is None: return None return Track( name=song.get('title') or UNKNOWN_SONG, uri=uri.get_song_uri(song.get('id')), bitrate=song.get('bitRate'), track_no=int(song.get('track')) if song.get('track') else None, date=str(song.get('year')) or 'none', genre=song.get('genre'), length=int(song.get('duration')) * 1000 if song.get('duration') else None, disc_no=int(song.get('discNumber')) if song.get('discNumber') else None, artists=[Artist( name=song.get('artist'), uri=uri.get_artist_uri(song.get('artistId')))], album=Album( name=song.get('album'), uri=uri.get_album_uri(song.get('albumId')))) def raw_album_to_ref(self, album): if album is None: return None return Ref.album( name=album.get('title') or album.get('name') or UNKNOWN_ALBUM, uri=uri.get_album_uri(album.get('id'))) def raw_album_to_album(self, album): if album is None: return None return Album( name=album.get('title') or album.get('name') or UNKNOWN_ALBUM, uri=uri.get_album_uri(album.get('id')), artists=[Artist( name=album.get('artist'), uri=uri.get_artist_uri(album.get('artistId')))], num_tracks=album.get('songCount')) def raw_directory_to_ref(self, directory): if directory is None: return None return name=directory.get('title') or directory.get('name'), uri=uri.get_directory_uri(directory.get('id'))) def raw_artist_to_ref(self, artist): if artist is None: return None return Ref.artist( name=artist.get('name') or UNKNOWN_ARTIST, uri=uri.get_artist_uri(artist.get('id'))) def raw_artist_to_artist(self, artist): if artist is None: return None return Artist( name=artist.get('name') or UNKNOWN_ARTIST, uri=uri.get_artist_uri(artist.get('id'))) def raw_playlist_to_playlist(self, playlist): if playlist is None: return None entries = playlist.get('entry') tracks = [self.raw_song_to_track(song) for song in entries] if entries is not None else None return Playlist( uri=uri.get_playlist_uri(playlist.get('id')), name=playlist.get('name'), tracks=tracks) def raw_playlist_to_ref(self, playlist): if playlist is None: return None return Ref.playlist( uri=uri.get_playlist_uri(playlist.get('id')), name=playlist.get('name'))