#!/usr/bin/env sh TARGETDIR='futtern-app' if [ -d $TARGETDIR ]; then rm -rf $TARGETDIR fi mkdir $TARGETDIR cd $TARGETDIR || return pathsToCopy="public bin config migrations src templates composer.json composer.lock symfony.lock .env etc" for path in $pathsToCopy do cp -r ../../"$path" ./ done rm ./bin/phpunit APP_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -a mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ # Print the SSH key, replacing newline characters with actual new lines echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Set appropriate permissions for the SSH key chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Add the remote host's key to the known_hosts file to avoid authenticity confirmation ssh-keyscan -H $HOST >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # SCP files to the remote host rsync -avz --delete public/ ${USERNAME}@${HOST}:${TARGETDIR}