import asyncio import signal import ssl import threading try: import aiohttp except ImportError: # pragma: no cover aiohttp = None from . import client from . import exceptions from . import packet from . import payload async_signal_handler_set = False def async_signal_handler(): """SIGINT handler. Disconnect all active async clients. """ async def _handler(): # pragma: no cover for c in client.connected_clients[:]: if c.is_asyncio_based(): await c.disconnect() # cancel all running tasks tasks = [task for task in asyncio.all_tasks() if task is not asyncio.current_task()] for task in tasks: task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) asyncio.get_event_loop().stop() asyncio.ensure_future(_handler()) class AsyncClient(client.Client): """An Engine.IO client for asyncio. This class implements a fully compliant Engine.IO web client with support for websocket and long-polling transports, compatible with the asyncio framework on Python 3.5 or newer. :param logger: To enable logging set to ``True`` or pass a logger object to use. To disable logging set to ``False``. The default is ``False``. Note that fatal errors are logged even when ``logger`` is ``False``. :param json: An alternative json module to use for encoding and decoding packets. Custom json modules must have ``dumps`` and ``loads`` functions that are compatible with the standard library versions. :param request_timeout: A timeout in seconds for requests. The default is 5 seconds. :param http_session: an initialized ``aiohttp.ClientSession`` object to be used when sending requests to the server. Use it if you need to add special client options such as proxy servers, SSL certificates, etc. :param ssl_verify: ``True`` to verify SSL certificates, or ``False`` to skip SSL certificate verification, allowing connections to servers with self signed certificates. The default is ``True``. :param handle_sigint: Set to ``True`` to automatically handle disconnection when the process is interrupted, or to ``False`` to leave interrupt handling to the calling application. Interrupt handling can only be enabled when the client instance is created in the main thread. :param websocket_extra_options: Dictionary containing additional keyword arguments passed to ``aiohttp.ws_connect()``. """ def is_asyncio_based(self): return True async def connect(self, url, headers=None, transports=None, engineio_path=''): """Connect to an Engine.IO server. :param url: The URL of the Engine.IO server. It can include custom query string parameters if required by the server. :param headers: A dictionary with custom headers to send with the connection request. :param transports: The list of allowed transports. Valid transports are ``'polling'`` and ``'websocket'``. If not given, the polling transport is connected first, then an upgrade to websocket is attempted. :param engineio_path: The endpoint where the Engine.IO server is installed. The default value is appropriate for most cases. Note: this method is a coroutine. Example usage:: eio = engineio.Client() await eio.connect('http://localhost:5000') """ global async_signal_handler_set if self.handle_sigint and not async_signal_handler_set and \ threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(): try: asyncio.get_event_loop().add_signal_handler( signal.SIGINT, async_signal_handler) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning('Signal handler is unsupported') async_signal_handler_set = True if self.state != 'disconnected': raise ValueError('Client is not in a disconnected state') valid_transports = ['polling', 'websocket'] if transports is not None: if isinstance(transports, str): transports = [transports] transports = [transport for transport in transports if transport in valid_transports] if not transports: raise ValueError('No valid transports provided') self.transports = transports or valid_transports self.queue = self.create_queue() return await getattr(self, '_connect_' + self.transports[0])( url, headers or {}, engineio_path) async def wait(self): """Wait until the connection with the server ends. Client applications can use this function to block the main thread during the life of the connection. Note: this method is a coroutine. """ if self.read_loop_task: await self.read_loop_task async def send(self, data): """Send a message to the server. :param data: The data to send to the server. Data can be of type ``str``, ``bytes``, ``list`` or ``dict``. If a ``list`` or ``dict``, the data will be serialized as JSON. Note: this method is a coroutine. """ await self._send_packet(packet.Packet(packet.MESSAGE, data=data)) async def disconnect(self, abort=False): """Disconnect from the server. :param abort: If set to ``True``, do not wait for background tasks associated with the connection to end. Note: this method is a coroutine. """ if self.state == 'connected': await self._send_packet(packet.Packet(packet.CLOSE)) await self.queue.put(None) self.state = 'disconnecting' await self._trigger_event('disconnect', run_async=False) if self.current_transport == 'websocket': await if not abort: await self.read_loop_task self.state = 'disconnected' try: client.connected_clients.remove(self) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass await self._reset() def start_background_task(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """Start a background task. This is a utility function that applications can use to start a background task. :param target: the target function to execute. :param args: arguments to pass to the function. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the function. The return value is a ``asyncio.Task`` object. """ return asyncio.ensure_future(target(*args, **kwargs)) async def sleep(self, seconds=0): """Sleep for the requested amount of time. Note: this method is a coroutine. """ return await asyncio.sleep(seconds) def create_queue(self): """Create a queue object.""" q = asyncio.Queue() q.Empty = asyncio.QueueEmpty return q def create_event(self): """Create an event object.""" return asyncio.Event() async def _reset(self): super()._reset() if not self.external_http: # pragma: no cover if self.http and not self.http.closed: await self.http.close() def __del__(self): # pragma: no cover # try to close the aiohttp session if it is still open if self.http and not self.http.closed: try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): loop.ensure_future(self.http.close()) else: loop.run_until_complete(self.http.close()) except: pass async def _connect_polling(self, url, headers, engineio_path): """Establish a long-polling connection to the Engine.IO server.""" if aiohttp is None: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error('aiohttp not installed -- cannot make HTTP ' 'requests!') return self.base_url = self._get_engineio_url(url, engineio_path, 'polling')'Attempting polling connection to ' + self.base_url) r = await self._send_request( 'GET', self.base_url + self._get_url_timestamp(), headers=headers, timeout=self.request_timeout) if r is None or isinstance(r, str): await self._reset() raise exceptions.ConnectionError( r or 'Connection refused by the server') if r.status < 200 or r.status >= 300: await self._reset() try: arg = await r.json() except aiohttp.ClientError: arg = None raise exceptions.ConnectionError( 'Unexpected status code {} in server response'.format( r.status), arg) try: p = payload.Payload(encoded_payload=(await 'utf-8')) except ValueError: raise exceptions.ConnectionError( 'Unexpected response from server') from None open_packet = p.packets[0] if open_packet.packet_type != packet.OPEN: raise exceptions.ConnectionError( 'OPEN packet not returned by server') 'Polling connection accepted with ' + str( self.sid =['sid'] self.upgrades =['upgrades'] self.ping_interval = int(['pingInterval']) / 1000.0 self.ping_timeout = int(['pingTimeout']) / 1000.0 self.current_transport = 'polling' self.base_url += '&sid=' + self.sid self.state = 'connected' client.connected_clients.append(self) await self._trigger_event('connect', run_async=False) for pkt in p.packets[1:]: await self._receive_packet(pkt) if 'websocket' in self.upgrades and 'websocket' in self.transports: # attempt to upgrade to websocket if await self._connect_websocket(url, headers, engineio_path): # upgrade to websocket succeeded, we're done here return self.write_loop_task = self.start_background_task(self._write_loop) self.read_loop_task = self.start_background_task( self._read_loop_polling) async def _connect_websocket(self, url, headers, engineio_path): """Establish or upgrade to a WebSocket connection with the server.""" if aiohttp is None: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error('aiohttp package not installed') return False websocket_url = self._get_engineio_url(url, engineio_path, 'websocket') if self.sid: 'Attempting WebSocket upgrade to ' + websocket_url) upgrade = True websocket_url += '&sid=' + self.sid else: upgrade = False self.base_url = websocket_url 'Attempting WebSocket connection to ' + websocket_url) if self.http is None or self.http.closed: # pragma: no cover self.http = aiohttp.ClientSession() # extract any new cookies passed in a header so that they can also be # sent the the WebSocket route cookies = {} for header, value in headers.items(): if header.lower() == 'cookie': cookies = dict( [cookie.split('=', 1) for cookie in value.split('; ')]) del headers[header] break self.http.cookie_jar.update_cookies(cookies) extra_options = {'timeout': self.request_timeout} if not self.ssl_verify: ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE extra_options['ssl'] = ssl_context # combine internally generated options with the ones supplied by the # caller. The caller's options take precedence. headers.update(self.websocket_extra_options.pop('headers', {})) extra_options['headers'] = headers extra_options.update(self.websocket_extra_options) try: ws = await self.http.ws_connect( websocket_url + self._get_url_timestamp(), **extra_options) except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.WSServerHandshakeError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerConnectionError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectionError): if upgrade: self.logger.warning( 'WebSocket upgrade failed: connection error') return False else: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('Connection error') if upgrade: p = packet.Packet(packet.PING, data='probe').encode() try: await ws.send_str(p) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning( 'WebSocket upgrade failed: unexpected send exception: %s', str(e)) return False try: p = (await ws.receive()).data except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning( 'WebSocket upgrade failed: unexpected recv exception: %s', str(e)) return False pkt = packet.Packet(encoded_packet=p) if pkt.packet_type != packet.PONG or != 'probe': self.logger.warning( 'WebSocket upgrade failed: no PONG packet') return False p = packet.Packet(packet.UPGRADE).encode() try: await ws.send_str(p) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning( 'WebSocket upgrade failed: unexpected send exception: %s', str(e)) return False self.current_transport = 'websocket''WebSocket upgrade was successful') else: try: p = (await ws.receive()).data except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise exceptions.ConnectionError( 'Unexpected recv exception: ' + str(e)) open_packet = packet.Packet(encoded_packet=p) if open_packet.packet_type != packet.OPEN: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('no OPEN packet') 'WebSocket connection accepted with ' + str( self.sid =['sid'] self.upgrades =['upgrades'] self.ping_interval = int(['pingInterval']) / 1000.0 self.ping_timeout = int(['pingTimeout']) / 1000.0 self.current_transport = 'websocket' self.state = 'connected' client.connected_clients.append(self) await self._trigger_event('connect', run_async=False) = ws self.write_loop_task = self.start_background_task(self._write_loop) self.read_loop_task = self.start_background_task( self._read_loop_websocket) return True async def _receive_packet(self, pkt): """Handle incoming packets from the server.""" packet_name = packet.packet_names[pkt.packet_type] \ if pkt.packet_type < len(packet.packet_names) else 'UNKNOWN' 'Received packet %s data %s', packet_name, if not isinstance(, bytes) else '') if pkt.packet_type == packet.MESSAGE: await self._trigger_event('message',, run_async=True) elif pkt.packet_type == packet.PING: await self._send_packet(packet.Packet(packet.PONG, elif pkt.packet_type == packet.CLOSE: await self.disconnect(abort=True) elif pkt.packet_type == packet.NOOP: pass else: self.logger.error('Received unexpected packet of type %s', pkt.packet_type) async def _send_packet(self, pkt): """Queue a packet to be sent to the server.""" if self.state != 'connected': return await self.queue.put(pkt) 'Sending packet %s data %s', packet.packet_names[pkt.packet_type], if not isinstance(, bytes) else '') async def _send_request( self, method, url, headers=None, body=None, timeout=None): # pragma: no cover if self.http is None or self.http.closed: self.http = aiohttp.ClientSession() http_method = getattr(self.http, method.lower()) try: if not self.ssl_verify: return await http_method( url, headers=headers, data=body, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout), ssl=False) else: return await http_method( url, headers=headers, data=body, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout)) except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as exc:'HTTP %s request to %s failed with error %s.', method, url, exc) return str(exc) async def _trigger_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke an event handler.""" run_async = kwargs.pop('run_async', False) ret = None if event in self.handlers: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.handlers[event]) is True: if run_async: return self.start_background_task(self.handlers[event], *args) else: try: ret = await self.handlers[event](*args) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover pass except: self.logger.exception(event + ' async handler error') if event == 'connect': # if connect handler raised error we reject the # connection return False else: if run_async: async def async_handler(): return self.handlers[event](*args) return self.start_background_task(async_handler) else: try: ret = self.handlers[event](*args) except: self.logger.exception(event + ' handler error') if event == 'connect': # if connect handler raised error we reject the # connection return False return ret async def _read_loop_polling(self): """Read packets by polling the Engine.IO server.""" while self.state == 'connected': 'Sending polling GET request to ' + self.base_url) r = await self._send_request( 'GET', self.base_url + self._get_url_timestamp(), timeout=max(self.ping_interval, self.ping_timeout) + 5) if r is None or isinstance(r, str): self.logger.warning( r or 'Connection refused by the server, aborting') await self.queue.put(None) break if r.status < 200 or r.status >= 300: self.logger.warning('Unexpected status code %s in server ' 'response, aborting', r.status) await self.queue.put(None) break try: p = payload.Payload(encoded_payload=(await 'utf-8')) except ValueError: self.logger.warning( 'Unexpected packet from server, aborting') await self.queue.put(None) break for pkt in p.packets: await self._receive_packet(pkt)'Waiting for write loop task to end') await self.write_loop_task if self.state == 'connected': await self._trigger_event('disconnect', run_async=False) try: client.connected_clients.remove(self) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass await self._reset()'Exiting read loop task') async def _read_loop_websocket(self): """Read packets from the Engine.IO WebSocket connection.""" while self.state == 'connected': p = None try: p = await asyncio.wait_for(, timeout=self.ping_interval + self.ping_timeout) if not isinstance(, (str, bytes)): # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning( 'Server sent unexpected packet %s data %s, aborting', str(p.type), str( await self.queue.put(None) break # the connection is broken p = except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.logger.warning( 'Server has stopped communicating, aborting') await self.queue.put(None) break except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError: 'Read loop: WebSocket connection was closed, aborting') await self.queue.put(None) break except Exception as e: 'Unexpected error receiving packet: "%s", aborting', str(e)) await self.queue.put(None) break try: pkt = packet.Packet(encoded_packet=p) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 'Unexpected error decoding packet: "%s", aborting', str(e)) await self.queue.put(None) break await self._receive_packet(pkt)'Waiting for write loop task to end') await self.write_loop_task if self.state == 'connected': await self._trigger_event('disconnect', run_async=False) try: client.connected_clients.remove(self) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass await self._reset()'Exiting read loop task') async def _write_loop(self): """This background task sends packages to the server as they are pushed to the send queue. """ while self.state == 'connected': # to simplify the timeout handling, use the maximum of the # ping interval and ping timeout as timeout, with an extra 5 # seconds grace period timeout = max(self.ping_interval, self.ping_timeout) + 5 packets = None try: packets = [await asyncio.wait_for(self.queue.get(), timeout)] except (self.queue.Empty, asyncio.TimeoutError): self.logger.error('packet queue is empty, aborting') break except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover break if packets == [None]: self.queue.task_done() packets = [] else: while True: try: packets.append(self.queue.get_nowait()) except self.queue.Empty: break if packets[-1] is None: packets = packets[:-1] self.queue.task_done() break if not packets: # empty packet list returned -> connection closed break if self.current_transport == 'polling': p = payload.Payload(packets=packets) r = await self._send_request( 'POST', self.base_url, body=p.encode(), headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, timeout=self.request_timeout) for pkt in packets: self.queue.task_done() if r is None or isinstance(r, str): self.logger.warning( r or 'Connection refused by the server, aborting') break if r.status < 200 or r.status >= 300: self.logger.warning('Unexpected status code %s in server ' 'response, aborting', r.status) await self._reset() break else: # websocket try: for pkt in packets: if pkt.binary: await else: await self.queue.task_done() except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError, BrokenPipeError, OSError): 'Write loop: WebSocket connection was closed, ' 'aborting') break'Exiting write loop task')