# Issues * [ ] Frontend to add, edit and delete events * [ ] Backend to add, edit and delete events * [ ] api testcases for events * [ ] Frontend to add, edit and delete users * [ ] Backend to add, edit and delete users * [ ] api testcases for users * [ ] check permissions in all api endpoints * [ ] tickets * [ ] Frontend to add, edit and delete tickets * [ ] Backend to add, edit and delete tickets * [ ] api testcases for tickets * [ ] Frontend: change ticket status * [ ] Backend: change ticket status * [ ] api testcases for ticket status * [ ] Frontend: assign tickets to users * [ ] Backend: assign tickets to users * [ ] api testcases for ticket assignment * [ ] Frontend: ticket search * [ ] Backend: ticket search * [ ] api testcases for ticket search * [ ] Frontend: ticket comments * [ ] Backend: ticket comments * [ ] api testcases for ticket comments * [ ] Frontend: send replay mails * [ ] Backend: send replay mails * [ ] api testcases for replay mails * [ ] Frontend: manage auto mail triggers * [ ] Backend: manage auto mail triggers * [ ] api testcases for auto mail triggers * [ ] Frontend: manage mail templates * [ ] Backend: manage mail templates * [ ] api testcases for mail templates * [ ] Backend: send notification mails to users * [ ] testcases for notification mails * [ ] Frontend: notification settings * [ ] Backend: notification settings * [ ] api testcases for notification settings * [ ] Backend: Telegram bot * [ ] Backend: route mail to tickets bases on +tag * [ ] testcases for mail to tickets * [ ] Frontend: login, logout, register * [ ] Backend: login, logout, register * [ ] api testcases for login, logout, register * [ ] Frontend: item search * [ ] Backend: item search * [ ] api testcases for item search * [ ] Frontend: to math items to tickets * [ ] Backend: to math items to tickets * [ ] api testcases for item to tickets * [ ] Frontend: to show item history * [ ] Backend: to show item history * [ ] api testcases for item history * [ ] Frontend: to delegate permissions via qr code * [ ] testcases for qr code * [ ] Frontend to add, edit and delete boxes * [ ] Backend to add, edit and delete boxes * [ ] api testcases for boxes * [ ] Frontend: to show box history * [ ] Backend: to show box history * [ ] api testcases for box history * [ ] Frontend: clear, disband and move boxes * [ ] Backend: clear, disband and move boxes * [ ] api testcases for clear, disband and move boxes * [ ] testcases for receiving mails and auto reply * [ ] Frontend: merging tickets * [ ] Backend: merging tickets * [ ] api testcases for merging tickets * [ ] concept: create items from "found something" tickets * [ ] concept: purge old tickets * [ ] concept: purge old items * [ ] concept: auto email stale after x days ## Priority: TODO * send mails from web frontend * login / user management