'static', /* * The router to be used (Laravel or Dingo). */ 'router' => 'laravel', /* * The base URL to be used in examples and the Postman collection. * By default, this will be the value of config('app.url'). */ 'base_url' => null, /* * Generate a Postman collection in addition to HTML docs. * For 'static' docs, the collection will be generated to public/docs/collection.json. * For 'laravel' docs, it will be generated to storage/app/apidoc/collection.json. * The `ApiDoc::routes()` helper will add routes for both the HTML and the Postman collection. */ 'postman' => [ /* * Specify whether the Postman collection should be generated. */ 'enabled' => true, /* * The name for the exported Postman collection. Default: config('app.name')." API" */ 'name' => null, /* * The description for the exported Postman collection. */ 'description' => null, ], /* * The routes for which documentation should be generated. * Each group contains rules defining which routes should be included ('match', 'include' and 'exclude' sections) * and rules which should be applied to them ('apply' section). */ 'routes' => [ [ /* * Specify conditions to determine what routes will be parsed in this group. * A route must fulfill ALL conditions to pass. */ 'match' => [ /* * Match only routes whose domains match this pattern (use * as a wildcard to match any characters). */ 'domains' => [ '*', // 'domain1.*', ], /* * Match only routes whose paths match this pattern (use * as a wildcard to match any characters). */ 'prefixes' => [ '*', // 'users/*', ], /* * Match only routes registered under this version. This option is ignored for Laravel router. * Note that wildcards are not supported. */ 'versions' => [ 'v1', ], ], /* * Include these routes when generating documentation, * even if they did not match the rules above. * Note that the route must be referenced by name here (wildcards are supported). */ 'include' => [ // 'users.index', 'healthcheck*' ], /* * Exclude these routes when generating documentation, * even if they matched the rules above. * Note that the route must be referenced by name here (wildcards are supported). */ 'exclude' => [ // 'users.create', 'admin.*' ], /* * Specify rules to be applied to all the routes in this group when generating documentation */ 'apply' => [ /* * Specify headers to be added to the example requests */ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json', // 'Authorization' => 'Bearer {token}', // 'Api-Version' => 'v2', ], /* * If no @response or @transformer declarations are found for the route, * we'll try to get a sample response by attempting an API call. * Configure the settings for the API call here. */ 'response_calls' => [ /* * API calls will be made only for routes in this group matching these HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc). * List the methods here or use '*' to mean all methods. Leave empty to disable API calls. */ 'methods' => ['GET'], /* * Laravel config variables which should be set for the API call. * This is a good place to ensure that notifications, emails * and other external services are not triggered * during the documentation API calls */ 'config' => [ 'app.env' => 'documentation', 'app.debug' => false, // 'service.key' => 'value', ], /* * Cookies which should be sent with the API call. */ 'cookies' => [ // 'name' => 'value' ], /* * Query parameters which should be sent with the API call. */ 'queryParams' => [ // 'key' => 'value', ], /* * Body parameters which should be sent with the API call. */ 'bodyParams' => [ // 'key' => 'value', ], ], ], ], ], 'strategies' => [ 'metadata' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Metadata\GetFromDocBlocks::class, ], 'urlParameters' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\UrlParameters\GetFromUrlParamTag::class, ], 'queryParameters' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\QueryParameters\GetFromQueryParamTag::class, ], 'headers' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\RequestHeaders\GetFromRouteRules::class, ], 'bodyParameters' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\BodyParameters\GetFromBodyParamTag::class, ], 'responses' => [ \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\UseTransformerTags::class, \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\UseResponseTag::class, \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\UseResponseFileTag::class, \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\UseApiResourceTags::class, \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\Responses\ResponseCalls::class, ], ], /* * Custom logo path. The logo will be copied from this location * during the generate process. Set this to false to use the default logo. * * Change to an absolute path to use your custom logo. For example: * 'logo' => resource_path('views') . '/api/logo.png' * * If you want to use this, please be aware of the following rules: * - the image size must be 230 x 52 */ 'logo' => false, /* * Name for the group of routes which do not have a @group set. */ 'default_group' => 'general', /* * Example requests for each endpoint will be shown in each of these languages. * Supported options are: bash, javascript, php, python * You can add a language of your own, but you must publish the package's views * and define a corresponding view for it in the partials/example-requests directory. * See https://laravel-apidoc-generator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generating-documentation.html * */ 'example_languages' => [ 'bash', 'javascript', ], /* * Configure how responses are transformed using @transformer and @transformerCollection * Requires league/fractal package: composer require league/fractal * */ 'fractal' => [ /* If you are using a custom serializer with league/fractal, * you can specify it here. * * Serializers included with league/fractal: * - \League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer::class * - \League\Fractal\Serializer\DataArraySerializer::class * - \League\Fractal\Serializer\JsonApiSerializer::class * * Leave as null to use no serializer or return a simple JSON. */ 'serializer' => null, ], /* * If you would like the package to generate the same example values for parameters on each run, * set this to any number (eg. 1234) * */ 'faker_seed' => null, ];