# This example and library is meant to work with Adafruit CircuitPython API. # Author: Tony DiCola # License: Public Domain # Import all board pins. from board import SCL, SDA import busio # Import the SSD1306 module. import adafruit_ssd1306 # Create the I2C interface. i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA) # Create the SSD1306 OLED class. # The first two parameters are the pixel width and pixel height. Change these # to the right size for your display! display = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c) # Alternatively you can change the I2C address of the device with an addr parameter: #display = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c, addr=0x31) # Clear the display. Always call show after changing pixels to make the display # update visible! display.fill(0) display.show() display.text("Test", 0, 0, (255,255,255), size=1) display.text("Tets2", 0, 10, (255,255,255), size=2) display.show()