"""Utilities for truncating assertion output. Current default behaviour is to truncate assertion explanations at ~8 terminal lines, unless running in "-vv" mode or running on CI. """ from typing import List from typing import Optional from _pytest.assertion import util from _pytest.nodes import Item DEFAULT_MAX_LINES = 8 DEFAULT_MAX_CHARS = 8 * 80 USAGE_MSG = "use '-vv' to show" def truncate_if_required( explanation: List[str], item: Item, max_length: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[str]: """Truncate this assertion explanation if the given test item is eligible.""" if _should_truncate_item(item): return _truncate_explanation(explanation) return explanation def _should_truncate_item(item: Item) -> bool: """Whether or not this test item is eligible for truncation.""" verbose = item.config.option.verbose return verbose < 2 and not util.running_on_ci() def _truncate_explanation( input_lines: List[str], max_lines: Optional[int] = None, max_chars: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Truncate given list of strings that makes up the assertion explanation. Truncates to either 8 lines, or 640 characters - whichever the input reaches first, taking the truncation explanation into account. The remaining lines will be replaced by a usage message. """ if max_lines is None: max_lines = DEFAULT_MAX_LINES if max_chars is None: max_chars = DEFAULT_MAX_CHARS # Check if truncation required input_char_count = len("".join(input_lines)) # The length of the truncation explanation depends on the number of lines # removed but is at least 68 characters: # The real value is # 64 (for the base message: # '...\n...Full output truncated (1 line hidden), use '-vv' to show")' # ) # + 1 (for plural) # + int(math.log10(len(input_lines) - max_lines)) (number of hidden line, at least 1) # + 3 for the '...' added to the truncated line # But if there's more than 100 lines it's very likely that we're going to # truncate, so we don't need the exact value using log10. tolerable_max_chars = ( max_chars + 70 # 64 + 1 (for plural) + 2 (for '99') + 3 for '...' ) # The truncation explanation add two lines to the output tolerable_max_lines = max_lines + 2 if ( len(input_lines) <= tolerable_max_lines and input_char_count <= tolerable_max_chars ): return input_lines # Truncate first to max_lines, and then truncate to max_chars if necessary truncated_explanation = input_lines[:max_lines] truncated_char = True # We reevaluate the need to truncate chars following removal of some lines if len("".join(truncated_explanation)) > tolerable_max_chars: truncated_explanation = _truncate_by_char_count( truncated_explanation, max_chars ) else: truncated_char = False truncated_line_count = len(input_lines) - len(truncated_explanation) if truncated_explanation[-1]: # Add ellipsis and take into account part-truncated final line truncated_explanation[-1] = truncated_explanation[-1] + "..." if truncated_char: # It's possible that we did not remove any char from this line truncated_line_count += 1 else: # Add proper ellipsis when we were able to fit a full line exactly truncated_explanation[-1] = "..." return truncated_explanation + [ "", f"...Full output truncated ({truncated_line_count} line" f"{'' if truncated_line_count == 1 else 's'} hidden), {USAGE_MSG}", ] def _truncate_by_char_count(input_lines: List[str], max_chars: int) -> List[str]: # Find point at which input length exceeds total allowed length iterated_char_count = 0 for iterated_index, input_line in enumerate(input_lines): if iterated_char_count + len(input_line) > max_chars: break iterated_char_count += len(input_line) # Create truncated explanation with modified final line truncated_result = input_lines[:iterated_index] final_line = input_lines[iterated_index] if final_line: final_line_truncate_point = max_chars - iterated_char_count final_line = final_line[:final_line_truncate_point] truncated_result.append(final_line) return truncated_result