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2023-07-28 21:30:45 +00:00
import datetime
import typing as _t
from cachelib.base import BaseCache
from cachelib.serializers import DynamoDbSerializer
CREATED_AT_FIELD = "created_at"
RESPONSE_FIELD = "response"
class DynamoDbCache(BaseCache):
Implementation of cachelib.BaseCache that uses an AWS DynamoDb table
as the backend.
Your server process will require dynamodb:GetItem and dynamodb:PutItem
IAM permissions on the cache table.
Limitations: DynamoDB table items are limited to 400 KB in size. Since
this class stores cached items in a table, the max size of a cache entry
will be slightly less than 400 KB, since the cache key and expiration
time fields are also part of the item.
:param table_name: The name of the DynamoDB table to use
:param default_timeout: Set the timeout in seconds after which cache entries
:param key_field: The name of the hash_key attribute in the DynamoDb
table. This must be a string attribute.
:param expiration_time_field: The name of the table attribute to store the
expiration time in. This will be an int
attribute. The timestamp will be stored as
seconds past the epoch. If you configure
this as the TTL field, then DynamoDB will
automatically delete expired entries.
:param key_prefix: A prefix that should be added to all keys.
serializer = DynamoDbSerializer()
def __init__(
table_name: _t.Optional[str] = "python-cache",
default_timeout: int = 300,
key_field: _t.Optional[str] = "cache_key",
expiration_time_field: _t.Optional[str] = "expiration_time",
key_prefix: _t.Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: _t.Any
import boto3 # type: ignore
except ImportError as err:
raise RuntimeError("no boto3 module found") from err
self._table_name = table_name
self._key_field = key_field
self._expiration_time_field = expiration_time_field
self.key_prefix = key_prefix or ""
self._dynamo = boto3.resource("dynamodb", **kwargs)
self._attr = boto3.dynamodb.conditions.Attr
self._table = self._dynamo.Table(table_name)
# catch this exception (triggered if the table doesn't exist)
except Exception:
table = self._dynamo.create_table(
{"AttributeName": key_field, "AttributeType": "S"}
{"AttributeName": key_field, "KeyType": "HASH"},
dynamo = boto3.client("dynamodb", **kwargs)
"Enabled": True,
"AttributeName": expiration_time_field,
self._table = self._dynamo.Table(table_name)
def _utcnow(self) -> _t.Any:
"""Return a tz-aware UTC datetime representing the current time"""
return datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
def _get_item(self, key: str, attributes: _t.Optional[list] = None) -> _t.Any:
Get an item from the cache table, optionally limiting the returned
:param key: The cache key of the item to fetch
:param attributes: An optional list of attributes to fetch. If not
given, all attributes are fetched. The
expiration_time field will always be added to the
list of fetched attributes.
:return: The table item for key if it exists and is not expired, else
kwargs = {}
if attributes:
if self._expiration_time_field not in attributes:
attributes = list(attributes) + [self._expiration_time_field]
kwargs = dict(ProjectionExpression=",".join(attributes))
response = self._table.get_item(Key={self._key_field: key}, **kwargs)
cache_item = response.get("Item")
if cache_item:
now = int(self._utcnow().timestamp())
if cache_item.get(self._expiration_time_field, now + 100) > now:
return cache_item
return None
def get(self, key: str) -> _t.Any:
Get a cache item
:param key: The cache key of the item to fetch
:return: cache value if not expired, else None
cache_item = self._get_item(self.key_prefix + key)
if cache_item:
response = cache_item[RESPONSE_FIELD]
value = self.serializer.loads(response)
return value
return None
def delete(self, key: str) -> bool:
Deletes an item from the cache. This is a no-op if the item doesn't
:param key: Key of the item to delete.
:return: True if the key existed and was deleted
Key={self._key_field: self.key_prefix + key},
return True
except self._dynamo.meta.client.exceptions.ConditionalCheckFailedException:
return False
def _set(
key: str,
value: _t.Any,
timeout: _t.Optional[int] = None,
overwrite: _t.Optional[bool] = True,
) -> _t.Any:
Store a cache item, with the option to not overwrite existing items
:param key: Cache key to use
:param value: a serializable object
:param timeout: The timeout in seconds for the cached item, to override
the default
:param overwrite: If true, overwrite any existing cache item with key.
If false, the new value will only be stored if no
non-expired cache item exists with key.
:return: True if the new item was stored.
timeout = self._normalize_timeout(timeout)
now = self._utcnow()
kwargs = {}
if not overwrite:
# Cause the put to fail if a non-expired item with this key
# already exists
cond = self._attr(self._key_field).not_exists() | self._attr(
kwargs = dict(ConditionExpression=cond)
dump = self.serializer.dumps(value)
item = {
self._key_field: key,
CREATED_AT_FIELD: now.isoformat(),
if timeout > 0:
expiration_time = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
item[self._expiration_time_field] = int(expiration_time.timestamp())
self._table.put_item(Item=item, **kwargs)
return True
except Exception:
return False
def set(self, key: str, value: _t.Any, timeout: _t.Optional[int] = None) -> _t.Any:
return self._set(self.key_prefix + key, value, timeout=timeout, overwrite=True)
def add(self, key: str, value: _t.Any, timeout: _t.Optional[int] = None) -> _t.Any:
return self._set(self.key_prefix + key, value, timeout=timeout, overwrite=False)
def has(self, key: str) -> bool:
return (
self._get_item(self.key_prefix + key, [self._expiration_time_field])
is not None
def clear(self) -> bool:
paginator = self._dynamo.meta.client.get_paginator("scan")
pages = paginator.paginate(
TableName=self._table_name, ProjectionExpression=self._key_field
with self._table.batch_writer() as batch:
for page in pages:
for item in page["Items"]:
return True